Killzone Wiki

Helghan Industries is a multiplayer map in Killzone 2.


Helghan Industries is a dark, medium sized map with indoor areas, as well as an outdoor crossing underneath a skybridge (including a propaganda device). The C&R game mode excels here.


  • The turrets on either side of the map can quickly clear the roadway and rack up a lot of points.
  • Be careful when on the top level, as snipers generally pay attention to this area.
  • Don't forget the less traversed path, the one with red lights near the spawn point.
  • Coordination on search and destroy in this gametype is key, since the points are far away from each other.


Multiplayer Maps of Killzone 2
Included Blood Gracht · Corinth Crossing · Helghan Industries · Pyrrhus Rise · Radec Academy · Salamun Market · Tharsis Depot · Visari Hammer
Steel and Titanium Vekta Cruiser · Wasteland Bullet
Flash and Thunder Beach Head · Southern Hills
Napalm and Cordite Arctower Landing · Suljeva Cliffside