Killzone Wiki
01 Space Dock1100

The Helghan space station is a modular space station in geo-stationary orbit over planet Helghan. It was serviced for the Helghan Empire's navy.


The original space station was constructed by Helghan Corporation and entered into service in 2149, serving as a major hub of shipbuilding and trade for the Corporation, eventually becoming the largest facility for the construction of spacegoing vessels outside of the Terran solar system.[1] The space station was destroyed in the First Extrasolar War in which both the United Colonial Army and Helghan blamed each other for its destruction.[1]

A new space station was later constructed and under the control of the Helghan Empire. It is connected to four space elevators, sending personnel and supplies to the station.

Jorhan Stahl's fleet assembled around the space station in preparation for the invasion of Earth. The fleet of the Helghast First Army also gathered at the space station to apprehend Stahl's fleet. However, a major battle broke out between Stahl's fleet and the First Army. The space station was ultimately destroyed in the Terracide.[2]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Timeline retrieved from the official Killzone website
  2. Killzone 3